August Monthly Update

September 5, 2024
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Hello everyone, welcome to the Hydro August Update.

Our team has been working hard to improve the Hydro platform and increase our visibility. Let's get right into the latest updates! 

Tech/Product Updates

Geyser Platform

We’ve completed the admin module and QA, fixing all identified bugs. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is in progress, and we’ve initiated the smart contract audit. We’re also refining the UI/UX for the Geyser program to ensure a seamless user experience.

Hydro Plus

MoonPay integration is now complete, with global testing still underway. We’ve also resolved QA bugs related to the admin module and are preparing for staging deployment scheduled for mid-September.

Migration 2.0

Staging deployment is complete, ensuring a smooth transition.

Scaling Enhancements

Significant improvements have been made to handle high traffic, with ongoing optimizations for queuing services, databases, and bot mitigation. We’ve onboarded senior resources to enhance these areas further.

Cost Optimizations

We’ve shut down legacy infrastructure and optimized Hydro’s current setup, leading to an expected 25% reduction in monthly costs!

Customer Support

In August, our team handled 198 support tickets, ensuring a swift resolution for our users.

Website Updates

We’ve rolled out updates focused on Hydro’s interoperability, refining product tier explanations, and making our revenue system more Web2 friendly.

Marketing Updates


We secured PR placements on U Today and Crypto News Flash, boosting Hydro’s visibility in the crypto community.

New partnerships

We announced a huge partnership with Birbnest in August and Reggie also jumped on an AMA with them to kick this new relationship off. Check out the YouTube link here to listen to the full AMA.

Zealy Partnership

Our collaboration with Zealy continues to drive community engagement and growth.

Reggie on Dubai Eye Radio

Reggie was featured on Dubai Eye Radio shortly after the unwind of the Yen carry trade. He discussed his thoughts on the crypto market and the latest developments at Hydro and our vision for the future.

Social Listening and Insights

The top narratives we found through our social listening tools included Hydro as an alternative to AdSense and it’s involvement in the SUI ecosystem.

Engagement on Telegram was high, particularly on Tuesdays, focusing on Hydro Plus, publisher payments, and the Zealy campaign. 

The Hydro community is growing rapidly! In August alone, we saw a 6.36% increase, reaching over 37,000 members. With more publishers joining daily, we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in content monetization!

Our targeted campaigns, especially in Russia post-AdSense/Google Ads ban, have yielded positive results. We’re seeing great traction in these regions as publishers seek alternatives, and Hydro is standing out as a top choice for ad-free content monetization.

Social Media Growth


  • Engagement is at 97.3%, up by 41% from last month
  • 48.5k new followers, a 76% increase from last month
  •  Impressions at 66.7k


  •  Accounts reached: 1,008, driven by our video content


  • Total views at 1.3k, up by 1079% thanks to our recent video push
  • 1.2k new viewers, achieved organically without running ads


  • Total followers: 13.03k which grew by 12,100% from last month

What’s Next

As always, we’re focused on building and refining Hydro to make it even better for you. We’ve got some big things in the pipeline, so keep an eye out for more updates soon. Thanks for sticking with us on this journey!

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